Wednesday, November 23, 2011

gobble gobble

monday, skied an hour, lifted squat, 5x5 225, 4x10 chinups, bench, 3x10 115, 135. core
tuesday, 2 skis of an hour in slow slow snow.
wednesday, about 1.5 hours easy, weights, warmup, deadlift, 3x11,11,10 @ 205, 4x8 chinup, bench (same as monday), cable chops, row, calf raises.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


been getting my train on.
weights, and 6miles monday
3 miles, and bike intervals tues
6am weights:
core and warmup
squats 5x135, 4x155, 3x 185, 2x195, 1x 205, 5x 5x205.
chinups, 4x10, 1x3.

bike 18miles, run 2.4 miles.
play frisbee 6v6 1.5 hours.
hamstring cramp.

kids got me some hot new 5ulti shorts

wish we could be playing. but the other coaching goes on.
cross country in position to battle for 1st for boys and girls. the boys will be in a dogfight, but, can win.
girls, prohibitive favorites in oregon 5a.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

9/29/2005 3:42, 3:49, 3:49, 3:49, 3:34.
10/3/2005 3:41, 3:38, 3:38, 3:40, 3:30
9/20/2006 3:37, 3:25, 3:21, 3:20, 3:16, 3:16
9/19/2007 3:45, 3:35, 3:30, 3:25, 3:30. Plus 2km warmup, 1.5 km cooldown.
9/26/2007 3:40 3:35 3:30 3:25 3:30 3:40 plus 2km warmup, 2 kim cooldown.
9/22/20009 3:25, 3:21, 3:15, 3:11, 3:20, 3:25
10/6/2009 3:35, 3:20, 3:15, 3:02, 3:18
10/23/2009 3:26, 3:21, 3:18, 3:15, 3:12

and 10/27 400/800/4/8/4/8/4 in drake

9/29/2010 3:23 3:13 3:13 3:16 3:26
achy hamstring at end of last 400

3:30 3:25 3:25 3:20 3:25 3:35 pacing a kid.
not bad, for fighting sinuses and literal insomnia last night
love to get back to 2009

3:35, 3:30, 3:25. 3:20, 3:25
3:30, 3:25, 3:20, 3:20, alone.

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/29/2005 3:42, 3:49, 3:49, 3:49, 3:34.
10/3/2005 3:41, 3:38, 3:38, 3:40, 3:30
9/20/2006 3:37, 3:25, 3:21, 3:20, 3:16, 3:16
9/19/2007 3:45, 3:35, 3:30, 3:25, 3:30. Plus 2km warmup, 1.5 km cooldown.
9/26/2007 3:40 3:35 3:30 3:25 3:30 3:40 plus 2km warmup, 2 kim cooldown.
9/22/20009 3:25, 3:21, 3:15, 3:11, 3:20, 3:25
10/6/2009 3:35, 3:20, 3:15, 3:02, 3:18
10/23/2009 3:26, 3:21, 3:18, 3:15, 3:12

and 10/27 400/800/4/8/4/8/4 in drake

9/29/2010 3:23 3:13 3:13 3:16 3:26
achy hamstring at end of last 400

3:30 3:25 3:25 3:20 3:25 3:35 pacing a kid.
not bad, for fighting sinuses and literal insomnia last night
love to get back to 2009

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

PTSS -- aka hills


9/27/2005 4:00, 3:45, 3:35

2007 april 18 4, 3:40, 3:30

8/18/09 3:45, 3:35, 3:25, 3:21.

9/2009 . 3:25, 3:20, 3:25, 3:18, 3:15.

may 5 2010 3:50, 3:40, 3:30, 3:22

may 10 2010 3:35, 3:25, 3:20, 3:15

may 18 2010 3:35, 3:32, 3:30, 3:20, 3:22.

may 25 2010 3:10, 3:15, 3:15, 3:20, 3:30, 3:30 (cheated, and estimating for the last one) went out a little hard.

aug 31 2010 3:45, 3:45, 3:35, 3:30. uninspired. first
team time trial the next day. 12:53. slowest in years. but back to back hard days after a pretty unambitious summer.

13 september. Did we not run hills as a team last year?
4:00, 3:50, 3:57, 3:57, 4:27. Hotter than hell. 88 air tempature, who knows what running on asphalt. Air quality moderate due to fire smoke. Achy knee (Chondromalacia? PFS? tendonitis?).... PTSS (pain train .... ....)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


2011 1:45 rest... i think i shouldn't have gone around the lightpost, but around the tree, 6:20,6:16, 6:30, 6:45. got's to get my proper diet, proper rest, and game face on.
2010 2:00 rest 6:10, 6:00, 5:50, 5:50 (painful
2010 (1:30 rest). 5:53, 5:53, 6:00, 6:25 (last at tempo pace)
2009 (2:15 rest) 5:52, 5:52, 6:00, 6:04, 6:35 (last was at tempo rate).
2008 (3 minute rest) 6:10, 6:00, 5:50
2007 (don't know the rest) 6, 5:55, 5:50, at 5:57.
2006 (don't know the rest) 6:18, :15, :15, :05, :10

Saturday, July 09, 2011

A nice ride.

Left town around 10, home around 2, with some lolly gagging along the way. probably 35 miles. Good scenery. A few pics. Rich at the top, me below, both taken at swede ridge shelter with the sisters in the background. Last pic? No idea. Just fooling around with my camera.

Friday, June 10, 2011

awbrey butte intervals

3x 6, 5:35, 5:30

Sunday, May 15, 2011

what the what

We (Summit High, Bend, OR) took two teams (Boys and Girls) to Westerns
in Corvallis, Oregon this weekend.
Our plan for westerns started last year. My affletes may not have
been privy, but once the bid (in state) was announced, I put a ton of
energy into recruiting, securing an indoor practice site, and trying
to stress the importance of the event to my players. In Bend, we get
to play a little bit against local teams Bend High and Mountain View,
but our out of town opportunities are limited to 'Coed State' and
'Single gender state' by geography, weather, and the varied other
sports that my players and I play and coach respectively.
This year, we played indoors in the indoor center once per week 10
times from december through february (super fun, yay) and then in the
gym for all of march and most of april (no fields due to snow on the
ground, boo). And note: Indoor on turf is significantly more fun than
in a basketball gym, even though we had control of the stereo the
whole time.
As a consequence, going into westerns, we'd had a handful of outdoor
practices, and I would say my most experienced player had... 6 career
tournaments? Our team has good athletes, with good speed and
athleticism, and some skill especially with our seniors, but limited
tournament experience.
The challenges of orchestrating fundraising, maintaining interest, and
coordinating the registration process were fun, and challenging.
We made it, got our paperwork in, had 20 guys and 13 girls signed up,
and away we went.
Oh, did I mention that it's only 3 hours away, and it was prom
weekend... which was announced the day we got the bid.
We had 11 show up the first day,
Westerns was a very well run tournament, and a ton of fun. The kids
were stoked for their player packets, the lined fields, great field
food, adequate water and potties. The reality for us was that no
player had more than 2 years experience, and 7 of the girls were
firsties. We used the tournament as HOPEFULLY, a springboard for the
club so that we can become a good to great team in the next few years.
Our girls went winless on the weekend (0-6) but improved throughout,
developing a zone, and solid flow. (Note, it's not that I didn't know
the existence of zone, its just hard to adequately teach when you have
no one to play against, and the practices have been based on learning,
in order, catch, throw, cut, stack, flow, mark, and then we got to
zone with 1 week before westerns).
Things look good for 'Coed State' (Next weekend) and 'Girls State',
June 4th. We are stoked, and the girls are psyched. I think our
cotton jerseys were pretty tight, especially our 6" spray stenciled
uniform numbers.
Our boys: Our first game against Nathan Hale was an eye opener. Our
speed was as good as any, our pulls were maybe a bit off the norm, but
our throwing consistency was less, and heightened by our big game
experience, and therefore, our challenges in valuing the disc.
Defensively, we got tons of takeaways. We got comeback blocks on
every team, and if we can over the years improve our culture of
valuing the disc, and running the offense with poise, confidence and
trust in the system, we'll improve.
Zone was our weakness: against teams with a good zone 'd', we
Game 1) Nathan Hale 5-13. Their skills and sets were too much. We
got blocks, but their poise and flow was too much. I don't think
either team made a call the whole game.
Game 2) Hopkins Hurt. 5-13? 4-12? They are a talented, well travelled
team. I was a bit miffed when they started out the game with some
quick calls (one a 30 yard away 'down call' that left me scratching my
head), and this one kid who screamed the stall count so loud that i
can only compare it to the time this Guy, spectating, used a bullhorn
siren in my ear from 1 foot away in a game. I like this Guy, so I'm
not going to say I regret not calling timeout and slugging his horn,
but... my ear still hurts. I'm not sure why screaming at the opponent
is relevant. But I discourage it.
Game 3) Berkeley Coup. Sweet team. They travelled even though it was
prom week. We were down to 10 to start (half the team left for prom),
and down to 8 after 2 left, and down to 7 after a hand injury: He
played, but the medic thinks it's a break. We took half, with I think
a 3 point lead, they rallied after we lost our last 2 guys (who made
the last second 3hr dash to prom), then, down, 3, ran off 3 straight
to tie it. We received on Golden Goal, they threw a zone, got a 2nd
pass turn, and Andrew O. got a game saving block in the endzone, and
we had them in man 'o', threw 3 passes, game. 12-11.
Game 4) Garfield.Win, and we're in the 8 team quarters. Down to 8
players (one injured) we scored a few, but couldn't run with them
throughout. Made some blocks, but down to the 9-12 bracket.
Camping that night was uneventful, even though there was a quincera
and a sorority party in the fairground building adjoining our
Most of the team made it back from prom (thanks parents, and thanks
kids for rolling out of bed at 5 a.m.).
Game 5) Monarch High Coyotes from Colorado. They were our twin team.
High fun, high risk. They ran an 'H' stack, we ran a Vert. We took
half 7-5, but faded in the 2nd half when their zone gave them some
short fields. Super clean game, I can't say there were many calls,
certainly no stomach cringing ones.
Game 6) Vs Churchill. In state rival, though we've never beaten
them. But they've graduated much of their 'old guard' and they had
low numbers for this game. It was point trading for a while, but
finally, we pulled away with a mix of our 'huck and hope' and finally,
finally, some quality 'churn and burn' points where the gentlemen
worked hard to grind it out.
Great parental support, we had tents, parents, food, and a sick
banner. And this shot, from a loss vs. Hopkins which the guy didn't
come up with. I wish they'd gotten his 2 sick blocks in one point vs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Fundraiser Reminder.
Ski waxing by donation:
3015 NW Meldrum Ct
On Awbrey Butte. Coordinate with a friend or two about some stuff to throw on the barbie. If you got some skis need waxing bring them! Go talk to your friends and family! I'll bring a projector and a frisbee video to play. 2000 national finals, Santa Barbara Condors v. Vancouver (BC) Furious George.

What's the expected donation: well up to you. Tuning alpine skis takes more time. You're going to get a product as nice as any shop. Waxing will include base cleaning and a multi temperature wax. Basic mini tunes of alpine skis are no problem as well. If you have specific requests, include them!

Nice Practice. Lots of new concepts, introduced, assimilated, and implemented. I have high hopes for thurs, fri practice! No new concepts, just throwing practice, and a hard fought force forehand scrimmage.

Monday, April 18, 2011


We've made great strides...
Throwing, catching, running part of the offense...

Need to work on finishing games... need to break the mark more... need to hold the mark... and endzone 'o'.

But we're pushing to the endzone, clearing the side, delivering the passes...
Just not disciplined.

I've had a couple light weeks personally, did a ski marathon, played one day (sunday) of a local tourney (won). Started running today, skied sunday 90minutes, lifting at 6 am...



Friday, April 01, 2011


41 at practice.
21 boys
22 girls.

super windy, but our first outdoor practice.
ran 1000m warmup, dynamics, strides.
4 teams of 10. 2 full fields.
each group does our handler cut.
then, each group of 10 plays 5 on 5 dutch (keep away) in an endzone

then, 2 sets of huck drill, with thrower option to bring back cutter.
ran it strictly downwind (probly 25mph, gusting to low 30's)

then, played 3 games, with teams getting a chance to play upwind downwind, and crosswind game.

5 minute discussion of stack and stack movement.

personal: skied 35 minutes easy, did most of my waxing for saturday race.
Still have one more layer, and spray on topcoat. No goal for race, it's 32 km, and I'm just looking to go hard.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 2?

I'm taking roll every day, and so far, our lowest day has been 30kids, highest 38, with most kids coming 2 times per week.

This week we've only had one of the Gyms, it's 2 basketball courts in size. So a typical practice consists of alternating drills or small games with conditioning cycles.

3-3:15 Throw in lines (usually ends up 2 sets of lines, each pair only throwing short half court throws). I filter around, give a tip or two, keep it simple. I get out the pinnies, the cones, and the extra school disces (whammos)

3:15-3:20, brief hello, chat, review expectations (for instance, when you cycle off the court, see me for instructions for the conditioning portion, then, get water during your conditioning. Also, review that when you are done with your court time, put the discs on a cone and the pinniew where you found them.

3:20-3:35ish. Warm up run, dynamics.

3:35. Line up, girls next to each other, then boys, count off 1-8. 1-4 stay, and do a handler drill (two groups so 1, and 2 work together, 3 and 4 work together. I do it this way so I have teams for the games). 5-8 do stations.

EX:Run the halls and stairs, then partner up, and time each other for max push ups in 1min. sip of water, then return to gym and take a seat. For some activities, it's best to have say, groups 5/6 run, while 7/8 do pushups, then switch it up. When the last kid is back (4-7min total), switch it up.

Then switch to a game (usually dutch drill, 10 pass keepaway for 1 point, 5 second stall, 4v4 or 5v5 for teams, on a basketball court with corner cones). Me or the other coach fills out a team if the numbers are odd.

Sometimes go back to a drill, but usually stick with games/ alternating with conditioning for 4 cycles. So that takes about an hour total, and it's about 4:30.

some kids have left by now, (had about 26 of 37 at 4:30), so I take 5 minutes to make even teams of 4-6, and play mini ultimate (make it take it) on the full length court (instead of the two cross width slightly shorter courts.

Today I had 5 teams of 5, and it went 1v2,3v4, 5v1,2v3, 4v5. 4min timed games.

Kids grab cones, discs, pinnies, talk schedule for week, gone.

Other indoor conditioning stations: I have 8 activities, in 4 sets of 2, so, you're doing 2 activities between court sessions.
Pick any of these and use them for variety.
I might do Superloop 2 or 3 times out of the 8 activities...

Super loop (Run Halls and stairs)
60 second plank
single leg squats to bench
max chinups in 60sec, timed by partner (also put 70 lbs on the lat pull down machine for the girls to use, although one of them is a climber, pullups she can do).
super loop
side plank, 45sec each time
3x10 max jump 30sec rest
situps, timed, 1min, partner holding feet.
3x15 sec quick feet. with recovery
box jumps, max in one minute

When we get on grass, I'll lose some, but add standing long jump, bear crawls, wheelbarrel races, handstand contests,shuttle runs, innertube pulls,cartwheel contests, a multi cone 'snake', freezetag variations.

oh, and I play music loud during the games, and stopit during transitions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Summit Storm is GO.

Return of Frizbee marks the downhill run to summer break.