Thursday, May 09, 2013

Hype Man Continues.

Continuing to mine the archives, this Angela Lin for Callahan post is reprinted from the original post, visible HERE.  This was published in 2001.  Earlier pieces are HERE, and HERE

Angela Lin for Callahan?

But of course.

I've handled the role of Callahan Coordinator for UGA for several years now, (read previous posts by doing a deja archive search for me, or ME!!!).  But never in my long, and storied college career, or subsequently long and storied post baccalaureate career, or even in my avocation as a media guru, not to mention my work w/ the poor wayward orphans, or in my weekend work helping to clean up the environment,

(my brief television career, and work as an extreme skier/ snowboarder/ telemarker/ adventure racer/ downhill mountain biker/ world class free diver aside) have I had opportunity to meet, or promote, any person as uniquely talented as Angela Lin.

But enough about Angela.

Lately... (oh never mind)

Angela is somewhat of a Renaissance Woman.  But w/ a modern twist, since women were not really afforded long baggy black shorts in the Renaissance.  Or plastic for that matter.  Now people can have what they want.  Unless it is made of plastic.  If you have plastic, A. Lin will take it away from you.

Angela Lin is unique among ex-Georgia Tech Players.

I actually like her.

But more importantly, she has another talent lacking in most other Georgia Tech Players.

She can sign her own name.

But enough of celebrating the 'strengths' of the 'Second Best Tech School in Atlanta'-- (Go Southern Tech).

Angela's strengths are myriad.

She invented helium.


She circumnavigated the globe, using only a set of water wings and some swim fins.  What have YOU done, tuff guy?!
She wrote a little book.  Maybe you've heard of it. It's Called War and Peace.
PFFT.  Tolstoy?  What kind of name is that?  Clearly, this is a pseudonym.

Angela invented Rochambeau.  She... (aside) what's that?  Oh, thank you.
Correction. Angela brought ROCK to Rochambeau.  Good ole rock. Trusty
rock. Before Angela, there were just Georgia students throwing scissors.
And tech students throwing paper.

The ROCK has finally come back...
To Athens, GA.

Angela played guitar for a little band.
They are called REM.
Have you heard of them?

OH, she doesn't play for them anymore.

She is too busy... (author’s note, REM broke up a couple years ago).
Getting ready to kick your ass, yet in a very humble, team oriented,
polite, friendly, spirited way...

Did I mention her skills?

Mad hops, laser beam two-finger, the BIG BADDDDD back hand, hammer,
scoober, thumb hammer, corker, over-hand wrist flip, air bounce,
yawn.  'skills are loud as bombs'

Say it with me.

Stifling 'd', unmatched knowledge of field strategy (that's
STRATEGERY, if you went to Tech, and, unlike Angela, were not literate
enough to get in to the Flagship School of the Empire State of the

very loud.

World class speed.  Did you see her in Sydney?
Of course not.
She’s too fast to see.

Angela is the best of a strong field.

Morrison Luke Smith

Morrison Luke Smith

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