Monday, October 20, 2008

Fan mail

Hey, I've been receiving a lot of fan mail and comments lately, and I just want all you fans out there to know, I just don't have time to reply to every individual note. But know this: your thoughts matter to me, so, keep those messages coming.

I mean, you could could be choosing to read about how Match carried Furious to the world championship, fulfilling his lifelong dreams.

But instead you choose to come to my little corner of the world. So keep those letters of encouragement coming!


Yaacov said...

Is there any way for you to tag blog posts with a category and then have Idris only add the ones in the Ultimate category to ultimatetalk? I appreciate your insights into the game, but they'd be easier to find if I didn't have to read about interval workouts first.

Gambler said...

How could you have time to respond to comments when you haven't had time to write up about Potlatch yet?! Interrobang.

Luke said...

Ouch. Gambler, you are so right. Off to the typewriter.