Sunday, June 03, 2007

good weekend...

3 hour mt bike ride yesterday, tons of climbing, then a 30 minute run, moderate pace.
today, a 35 mile road ride (about 2 hours-ish) then a couple grad parties for kids / parents, then a run (10 min warm up, 3 hill repeats... the first one was up the back side of the measured hill, so who knows definitely a little shorter, but 3 minutes, the next 2 were on the regular hill 3:15 and 3:20 which is pretty good compared to earlier this year (4, 3:45, 3:30) I probably should have done 1 more, but i was pretty fried, and the leg was tight from a bike wrek tuesday...

tommorrow, bike (and frisbee), tuesday, 3-4 1000's (or like 3:30 timed repeats on flat, hard effort) (and frisbe), wednesday, walk (and frisbee), short bike thursday, hard bike and run (And frisbee)...friday, rest (and frisbee), saturday, go big somewhere, somehow... maybe hike South sister to ski...

1 comment:

M. Allison Keltner said...

call me this weekend. I'll be in Versailles.
--miss chick