Thursday, June 14, 2007

duathlon deux

missed two more games of frisbee, bringing the total number of times i've skipped a frisbee game for something else (discretionary time) to like two... i have missed frisbee for work and stuff. the realization that i should do that was a fairly important step in actually becoming an adult.

that, and graduating from college at age 26. i'm not sure which was first.

dual deux came on the heels of a hard week of running, 3x1000 (plus 2.5 miles running to corse and back), w/ 2.5 hours biking sunday, 3x800 (same warmup/cooldown), plus 1.5ish in the bike tues, relative rest mon wed (30 min biking each day)...

of course, i forgot to press stop at the end of my race, but i think it was better than last time. last time was just under 1:04, i THINK i was about a minute faster. i wore the nerdometer, and kept my heartrate between 85%-90% of max (which is a made up number at this point, as i've not actually tested it in years. i use a number that assumes i'm 10 years younger than i really am) for the bike, and 88-91% of max for the 3 mile run. My impression was that my bike time was worse, but my run time better. OK, what with the hard stuff. I've got the city league tourney saturday: which i'm mildly dreading. it'll be some ridiculous 4 game deal, even though we've had like 80 league games (OK, just 14, but come on, the regular season should mean something) and there are only 8 teams... so it seems like quarters/semis/finals should be fine. Frankly, i'd be OK w/ semis finals only, as it would get better quality games... plus, i still end up playing basically every point... blah, blah, whine whine, yes, i'm from the northwest whiners frisbee world..

back to the dual. i got one more hard fast workout (more 8's, or a ladder) next week, and the race on thursday, plus daily morning runs/ultimate w/ the kids... but it's kind of a taper week for solstice... then all base. I think that will give me better times next thursday, and the week after, and for the final one, i'm going to throw on some aero bars; my only goal for these events is improvement in each one. i'd be happy to average 1 min per event, and maybe get down to the high 50's... there are two guys in this thing that are better skiers than me, (of the skiers i know who do this thing), and my goal is to beat them at a race next year (no small task).

the race was pretty painful, i again had nothing for the run (perceived, at least), and had a variety of aches and pains (arch pain, which i'll tape for next time, and side aches, which i'll try to address with hydration and diet). Probably less fat and protein for the pre-race meal, or an earlier lunch, and a cliff bar at race minus 2 hours.

i threw disc one day this week... but i got my stack o' plastic back... so that's good.

question for people who play more than i do now, or strategery guys... what is the percentage of goals that H-stack teams score on ALL DUMPS to handlers, and ALL comeback cuts from the back? is it just a high school thing where the up line things KILL YOU?

thanks for your response.


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