Sunday, September 17, 2006

well hell...

idris is down... down...
so i might as well post my bs, non ultimate related shit...

hippo defeats rhino. i was invited to play. could i have contributed? hellifino? i did play ultimate today at 'bend league play' and i was on. but it's hard to say. i was exciteometereriffic. that is, every time i touched it, i threw a goal, caught a coal, or threw a turnover, in the goal.

is that good enough to put me on the 4th best team in the nw? well, my defense was, uh, horrific. that is to say, not at all. so could i have muscled up in the 'big game?' shit. i don't know. i'dve tried...

but i was throwing like a god, and i got a couple handblocks.

am i missing regionals? well, yeah, but, i mean? i think i have somethin to coach that weekeknd.

i had dinner w/ a former athlete's family (and a current athlete) and that was cool.

the new roller skis were SUHWEET. pretty amazing to do something scary. got in one hour of juggling. also, 25 miles of biking... and a mile of joggling for warmup...

highlight of the day? i got a 100 gig harddrive of music coming...

what's missing? i wish i'd been throwing every day for a month... note to self, note to others: i got A LOT better at throwing when i started coaching throwing...


Anonymous said...

these questions are rhetorical, right?

We'll miss ya in Burlington this year, Luke.

Anonymous said...

who is hippo? college team?

Luke said...

hippo is the aarons of oregon (richards, talbot, switzer) john king, jay janin, and like gutter and a bunch of dudes... i don't know for sure. i've been a little too busy to follow all the details of the club scene. there may be some college kids... so it's old rhino/packolies v. young rhino