most of my relatively humorous thoughts come not from within. where school is concerned, they often involve the kids.
here is some christmas humor.
I have 20 kids who come in and eat lunch in my room every day.
Every Day. Many of them are cross country runners who got run out of the math teachers room.. I don't mind the cacophany, the kids are a constant source of mirth, random thoughts, and most importantly...
snacks galore.
Today, I was on my 'A' game teaching, which means I was awake, alert, and responsive. So at lunch, I set up a rochambo.
There is a box in my room. I'm not sure why. West (name) brought it in. It's about the size of a dog box. Reminded of the time, at a Chain/Ozone party in 1996 when we had a rochambo, get in the dog box and bark for 3 minutes, I established a roshambo, winner picks a victim for the cardboard box. There were 8 participants. I used this for a bye to the semis... (won)... and then we played it out. Annie Brinich won... But she felt self concious about picking a victim.
Lucky, because, sure enough, the kids on the frisbee team immediately started chanting SMITH SMITH SMITH as she walked out.
For some reason, not currently clear to me, Brandon (Brando) Roadman, entered the box. As an Aside, why is Brandon Steets nick name Brandice. Wouldn't Brando be better?
To summarize, HS kids, rock paper scissors, time in a cardboard box.
In other news of high school... I entered grades yesterday. I have the abillity to enter comments with a few key strokes.
(11) Good attitude.
(18) Participates.
(13) Leads discussion.
(25) Too talkative
(35) Class required for graduation.
There are literally dozens more. My AP government class requested comments. They also noted the comments they had received in the past.
Then the conversation degraded... to comments that were not on the list... but might be.
In bizzaro world. Comments like....
Needless to say, we all laughed... some (me), more nervously than others....
But, I Did enter comments for all of them. For many, I used certain unusual, specific comments.
No, not 'hot' or 'attractive'.
I went with (39) 'fails to dress out for PE' and, a favorite for good kids, the combination of...
(19) Shows leadership... and
(42) Disruptive in class...
I then added in a series of 'espanol' comments, which you can do by just adding 100 to any comment...
So for the movie script... you get...
(132) Disruptivo... and
(199) Caliente
No, dork face, I did not enter Caliente.
that was a good post. takes me back to highschool again.
Piper and I like your blog, Smith. How come you never told us about it? I could probably sue you from saying my name on it... Or maybe I should just stop googling myself during Computer Apps. class.
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