Monday, June 27, 2005

photo album of BUCL League championships

I might provide the dry play by play of the one game 4 day tournament tommorrow... but for now, here are some photos...

general stats
11-3, 11-8, 11-9, 13-9. Played 63/75 points, which is a whole lot for me. Frankly I don't like it, I can't keep running anywhere near what constitutes fast at that point... butwhatever...

The pictures: right now they are on a website. soon i'll put them on flickr or something (i'm open to suggestions for that type of scrapbook utillity).

We were 9-1 going into the tournament. Missing a lot of my team for various reasons (family, wedding, flakiness), the TD let me pick up 3 high school players (only one of whom had been to a tournament, the others brand new). The team also had 2 just graduated dudes who had played for a year. So our ages ranged were like, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 25, 30, 30, 32, 35, 36. In the finals, we played a team w/ approx 75 years of exp between their top 4 players...

Our plan, bring the game down to our level. And win it in the end. And we did, before a very hostile crowd... winning for the 2nd time in 2 years...

Love that trophy.

anyway, my photo essay, photos curtesy of Bill Benson, father of Ben Benson, BUCL Rookie of Year.

Here I am, just having thought about letting someone else pull.
"Mom, MOM! Could you put the food over THERE"
"Brett, karate chop, NOW"
flick, FORCE FLICK, hey, where did my guy go...
dance party usa
i think this is going to be a swing pass. or maybe just a poopy face.
hamma, hamma, hamma, hamma
one of our hs kids, applying the force forehand. hasn't learned to cheat yet.
it's a trick brian, they are on the other teammmm.....
I literally picked this guy because his name was mike TEAM. Good call.
Fine. We'll play with 6.
Gooder! More Honester! Harder! Marker!
Franchise player / athletic trainer and his bizarre contract requests...
Annie holding the mark...
Maura using hypno-glasses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smith, I took the photos when I could. I wish I would've taken more too. My dad tried. And failed.