Friday, April 11, 2008

frisbee content, at last.

for the younguns of the world (cultimate, dk jr (dude, your brother should MAKE you add my blog to your blogroll, if you don't know, just ask him), I actually have some ultimate content.

it's just a drill, but one i think is good for HS, or college. I call it the 'stanford handling drill'. I call it that because it reflects my belief that the 'stanford' 'o' with it's handler set, tends to have handlers hovering around the disc (this is old stanford, not any H stack, which I think is great, but has limitations). The point of the drill is to teach players basic understanding of movement in the 'backfield' or near the disc. I'll put a link up to a flash demo in a couple days, but, here's the basic.

3 players in a short vertical stack. 1, 2, and 3. 1 with the disc. 2 cuts for a swing to the line and receives a pass. 1 cuts give and go. 2 cuts right past him calling for the pass. This is the cut Mike G has referred to as 'the worst cut' in that you are cutting for a pass straight up field with the defender on your hip, and NO ANGLE. I accept that there are time that you should make the pass, but my HS kids are constantly seeing any upfield pass as a good one.

So, 1, to 2 on the swing. 1 goes for,and receives a nice give go on a 45 degree angle (or if the the swing was really wide, takes the defender with a few steps straight towards the sideline 2 receiver, jab steps, and goes upline for the give go. then 1 runs straight by them and cuts back to the middle for the dump/swing. Pass thrown. At this point 3 (who has ideally 'backed the stack up by walking slowly backwards) cuts to the far sideline for a gain. Now 2 cuts for the give go and the process repeats. 1 drifts to the middle (front of stack) and backs up slowly, getting into their position for the next swing after the whole 'give-go', 'dump swing'.

Any cut up line is into a great position for a long throw to a cutter, or to someone cutting underneath. And I want my throwers to hit those. But I'm trying to develop a concept of active cutting, moving the disc side to side. Yes, I could just line them up 3 accross in an H stack and put the worst handler on the backhand side (since everyone forces flick), but I'm trying to teach full field play. In a perfect world, once you were 'out of the play' you might break deep... but that's for later. I realize written descriptions are inadequate, but it's a really cool weave drill that I'm sure someone else out there is doing, I just can't find it online.

I found out on wednesday that the local tournament is this weekend. That's pretty funny. But true. So far am I removed from playing right now, I could infact give you far more details of upcoming college and club tourneys (which I'd be more likely to play) than of my own local tourney. So tomorrow after day 2 of the coaching clinic (which is really sweet, and informative) I may bike ride out there. Oh, we had 2" of snow tuesday, and it was 75degrees today, and awesome.

Instead, I'm still skiing, just took my studs off, drove to school in 2" of snow tuesday...

I'm a lot more focused on coaching than playing right now, but I'm slowly training up on the off chance I play club this year.

This week was my 'rest week' for the year. Sunday I graded papers for 8 hours. Monday I had an orthotics fitting appointment, changed my studs out, graded for 4 hours, and spent a couple hours at school prepping for the sub. And I coached, and got in a light workout of 20 min running, throw, and played a little dutch. And weights. Tuesday, I just coached, very light workout. Wednesday, coached track and ran 45 minutes, and weights. And 2 hours grading (grades are due this week, so I have gobs of reworks and last minute submissions). Thursday, Frisbee (very low key for me, mainly coaching, little workout, and a 1 hour ski tour). today, I took a coaching clinic for 3 hours (for skiing), worked at the office for 3 hours (It's a teacher work day, so I owe another hour of 'clock time (which is stupid to me, since I work on average 50-60 hours per week, and this week 70)) then coached track (50 min run) (i'm a half time track coach, and the speed workouts are usually on frisbee days, so it works out GREAT). Then lifted weights.

I've done one set of pacing 1000's, but I'll do two 30 min tempo runs, one per week, and then add in more intervals. I'll also do increasing dynamics and sprints (which I do with the kids, but the 40's I'm currently striding, not sprinting as I try and slowly limber up my 28 year old hamstings).

Gave myself my semi annual haircut today (which involves shears, newspapers, and 10 min).


rob.barrett said...

you had hamstring implants as a preteen?


Luke said...

The miracles of ham-cell research.

Anonymous said...

Ready for P-day's?

Luke said...

i'm in. and for real. first time in 3 years. p-days is after school ends. how we fixed for numbers?! lets get the band back together. and, flg, get some young flat ballers. I'm doing lots of military press. get ready to climb onto my broad shoulders.

Anonymous said...

Dude, call Kid. He's organizing. Bug has paid. It feels so weird to type that....