Saturday, January 14, 2006

mlk rules

sup loyal readers. nothing new to add. the next podcast is coming up... apparently there's an 18 minute gap. as long is it has something to do with the 1994 boulder tourney... i'm safe. i thing there's some missing discussion of (beeps) (beeping) of (beep). (beep). that was good (beep). My favorite part is where (beep) bought the (beep) from (beep) and (beep) in (beep).


In my life, the knee hurts. Might have to do something about it. I think it's ski related, but it just 'hurts'. SEEMS to be getting better, so i'll probably ignore it longer. Basically, (beeping) hurts, and when i run, it hurts, then stops hurting. Kind of hurts all over. Got the trainer to look at it, the ligaments are as solid as you can be w/ a missing pcl and some kind of ligament damage to the mcl. but that's old news. sorry about the whine.

Don't remember last post. Oh, oppened another window, it was monday... so, since then, tuesday, skied, I think it was... skate? No, I think classic. 5 x 4 minute intervals. That I remember. Remember the fun, not which shoes I had on.

Everyday, 20 minute morning bike to work, fearful for life, cars trying to kill me. Wednesday, Weights. Still light, full parallel squat, hang cleans. Bench, lat pull (to warm up) then pull ups, then abs. 10 minutes bike, Squats, 10x 45 (warm-up), 115, 125, 135. Hang Cleans (working towards deeper drop for less movement of bar), 10 x 65, 75, 75, 75. Bench, 3 x 10 x 115, Chinups, 3x 6. Abs.

Thursday, a fun day on skate skis. We did a relay race, teams of 3, so that each of the 6 intervals was 1/2 kilometer... so like a 500, BUT, there was 4-7 inches of new snow, so there was a strength component. I tried to time each interval a couple of times, but was too busy snotting and wheezing at the end to remember to look at my watch. I thought it was about 90 seconds. So more likely, 75.

Today, a race. And for those of you with any experience waxing a debacle. This was one i coach, not participate. Got up at 6, on the road by 7. Realized another coach had errantly told team 8 am departure... so rather than get there early and set up, i drew the duty of waiting w/ last car in parking lot until 8:30... miserable conditions. Rich (head coach, former US national biathalete team member) was struggling w/ wax. That means it's bad. We used klister (this gummy stuff), hard wax on klister, hard wax only, this press on tape... and all varieties of the previous. Nothing works. The solution, which we didn't use, is called a 'swedish tool.' not the one (beep) used to (beep). No, I'm not talking about (beep). Never mind...

We came in second, but that was because 2/3 of the team wasn't there. Now I sound like a frisbee player complaining that my spring team isn't really the team... that's why we're called New Yoke, No Joke, or duke of pooce, or chayne, or soqueI, or something... Now I sound like a soccer dad...

Basically a 14 hour day by the time I got the results formatted for publishing in the paper... tonight, ate some pasta, drinking some wine... sleep till i wake up, then go ski.

frisbee corner: uh... man. The regulars aren't around to respond to... Idris 'king of the beach' is off at some co-ed tournament, jim is playing ice goalty...

OK, here it is. I think this is a retread. But... it seemed like goalty was really growing. Then they instituted the 'no-zone' rule... that's a dumb rule... It's like playing hot box when all the sudden your opponent squeals out... 'no POOOOAAACHHHING the BOOOAAAAHHHHXXX'...

Enough? How bout this. The team that most capitalizes on proper filming will excel over the one that doesn't . High angle filming that allows a full view of the field will provide the best teaching tool for developing field sense in offensive players, and developing a concept of team defense and opportunities for switching that will lead to sophisticated, energy conserving defenses that capitalize on the slightest errors by the offense. You can as a result either force the defense to work commensurately harder, or, in a similar vein, minimize the traditional truism that the game favors the offense, lower the 'caloric' output of the defense per point, and give the defensive offense the opportunity to have fresher legs when the occasion to score presents itself... i.e., make the field crowded for the opponents offense, and open for your own.


Seigs said...

and just checking to see if i'm being stalked, 'alex, you play really good d on the dump'

You can run but you can't hide...What I plan to do is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in the blogosphere. Checkpoints go up at every 15th RSD comment. My fugitive's name is Luke Smith. Now I go get him.

Luke said...

go big adjective!
uh... or is it keggY!

i should be safe. i live in a van down by the river...

5:10 a.m. can't get back to sleep. not gonna cry... gonna go lift weights and get some work done...