Wednesday, September 29, 2010


9/29/2005 3:42, 3:49, 3:49, 3:49, 3:34.
10/3/2005 3:41, 3:38, 3:38, 3:40, 3:30
9/20/2006 3:37, 3:25, 3:21, 3:20, 3:16, 3:16
9/19/2007 3:45, 3:35, 3:30, 3:25, 3:30. Plus 2km warmup, 1.5 km cooldown.
9/26/2007 3:40 3:35 3:30 3:25 3:30 3:40 plus 2km warmup, 2 kim cooldown.
9/22/20009 3:25, 3:21, 3:15, 3:11, 3:20, 3:25
10/6/2009 3:35, 3:20, 3:15, 3:02, 3:18
10/23/2009 3:26, 3:21, 3:18, 3:15, 3:12

and 10/27 400/800/4/8/4/8/4 in drake

9/29 3:23 3:13 3:13 3:16 3:26
achy hamstring at end of last 400

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


huh i guess that was an OK workout after all

2010 2:00 rest 6:10, 6:00, 5:50, 5:50 (painful
2010 (1:30 rest). 5:53, 5:53, 6:00, 6:25 (last at tempo pace)
2009 (2:15 rest) 5:52, 5:52, 6:00, 6:04, 6:35 (last was at tempo rate).
2008 (3 minute rest) 6:10, 6:00, 5:50
2007 (don't know the rest) 6, 5:55, 5:50, at 5:57.
2006 (don't know the rest) 6:18, :15, :15, :05, :10

Sunday, September 05, 2010

13 miler.

dirty half course, plus a little, minus a little (took a right one junction too soon. think it shortens the course a bit). didn't start GPS for about 1/4 mile, reads a little short in the woods. closer to 8:07 would be guess. if so, i'm pretty happy. didn't have HR monitor strap, but felt like i was on the OK side. if i can go 40 sec faster per mile in the trail 1/2 marathon in one month, i'd be stoked.

Friday, September 03, 2010



9/27/2005 4:00, 3:45, 3:35

2007 april 18 4, 3:40, 3:30

8/18/09 3:45, 3:35, 3:25, 3:21.

9/2009 . 3:25, 3:20, 3:25, 3:18, 3:15.

may 5 2010 3:50, 3:40, 3:30, 3:22

may 10 2010 3:35, 3:25, 3:20, 3:15

may 18 2010 3:35, 3:32, 3:30, 3:20, 3:22.

may 25 2010 3:10, 3:15, 3:15, 3:20, 3:30, 3:30 (cheated, and estimating for the last one) went out a little hard.

aug 31 2010 3:45, 3:45, 3:35, 3:30. uninspired. first
team time trial the next day. 12:53. slowest in years. but back to back hard days after a pretty unambitious summer.