Monday, January 30, 2006


uh, sunday, a race... for the kids... today, 45 minutes of biking (commuting), squats, hangcleans, chinups, abs...

ultimate corner... well, they play local hs games on the cable... i saw the last few minutes of the hs girls play. up 15, the home team was forced to spend the last 3 minutes of game time in a 20 minute parade to the line. the opponents hacked their way to a 20 point loss. so, whoever wants to tell me there are too many stoppages in ultimate... just... get over it.

yes, it's a better game to watch when the defense is soft... but, it's not necessarily a better game. higher scoring is not necessarily an improvement...

some pet peeves. you say stalling, and it means zero. it's not stllnONE... but moving on...

once i caught a pass in a crowd, stepped to throw the easy goal, and realized that my arm was imprisoned in the two hand hammer lock... pulling my arm away from the opponent and throwing the goal, he called foul, saying i'd fouled him in forcefully ripping my arm from his grip. when i called him a f__ing cheating f___, he shrugged, and said, 'it's a strategy'.

this is very irritating.

for this is obviously a 'tactic', not a strategy.

the strategy was in our small team dogging it against this team on saturday, knowing the tournament format would force us to play them on sunday, and kicking their ass then.

strategy: multi game, if not season long approach.
tactics are plays, and actions with in a play.


tommorrow, probably skate intervals, wednesday frisbee, thursday, drive to sunvalley for the 30 something kilometer boulder mountain tour...

hopefully get back for the last half of the super bowl... go... uh... nouns of a geographic region...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


woke up early, so thought i'd polish off a post... and post.... no, that doesn't mean, 'add caps.'

relatively good news on the knee... pretty clearly a 'tracking issue' thing with the patella... from shreding the nar nar pow pow (translation, i am a clumsy and oafish skier who probably is not aided by impending issues of age. luckily i have a medic alert bracelet. unfortunately, i am this close to constantly screaming profanities into the thing, collecting cats, driving a golf cart...)

seems fine. i might should modify the squats... and stuff... but they are just so fun... if it continues to improve, i'll not make modifications...

for those of you who just skipped my long whinefest... welcome, to ultimate stuff w/ me. so nice to see you...

i'm still waiting on the ultimate podcast 3. i showed up late for the broadcast, so i may or may not be included (whatever 'technical difficulties means'... i'm thinking it means the same thing that that call from doc meant the first time i got cut by sockeye... yeah... anyway...we're making a few changes around here...

that's a story for another day... this week, where were we...shit. been a week and a half, no two weeks. well, last week was my defacto rest week... no ski sunday, weights monday, tuesday cancelled due to to much snow (i know, i know), wed, weights, thursday, a preposterously easy ski...

this past saturday was an 18 k ski, the last half of a ski marathon... a couple kids did the race, we took most of the team on a tour to cheer and ski... it was fun...

last year, rich gross (head coach, former us team biathlete) and i skied the course on sunday (after saturday's race...) the conditions were horrible... warm on saturday, it had refrozen for sunday... the course is a screaming down hill, followed by a fairly easy up and down... but at the start of the screming downhill, we run into womens 2nd place finisher muffy roy, (mom, coach, and once top 10 in 3 different sports in canada... biking... skiin... and i THINK 800 m running) who has just skied up the course (point being, shes a stud. frisbee players, not so much)... this year, totally different... so much snow the grooming was just OK (for the occasional reader who knows or cares i.e. pbowen) for my stiff flex fischer 610's... oh, and she was robbed of the first place by a bad start by the starter (i witnessed) that put her in bad position for the jockey for the 3 mile screamin' down hill... why do i ramble on about these folks? well, the son, a 15 year old clocked a 16:20 this year, sis was top 8 in xc running for 4 years, number 1 in skiing, and dad coaches world cup snowboard racers... and i'm worried about finding a fall team...

finished the ski in good time, w/ plenty of breaks to gtfootw, and cheer... and wait for the rest of the ski team... mellow eve... but woke up after a few beers with a mild headache... what i initially thought was some weird alcohol induced head ache turned very VERY quickly into a floor writhing agony of something... hectoritis? head in a vise... front and back... couldn't move... spent all day, instead of going for the planned 12 k, flopping around on the living room floor... called in for a sub for monday... as it turned out, I MIGHT have rallyed for monday, but i just slept all day....

today, did some pointless drills with the kids... and a quick 8k in like... oh... 30 minutes... equivalent to, in running, at least in terms of effort... to say... 4.5 miles at medium pace... say, 7:40... (i.e., the times don't always match)... then 30 minutes of capture the flag w/ cross town rival redmond...

highlight: after a quick schooling by their head coach, local ski star (our 50 y.o. olympian was not there to humble him), i traded team jackets with one of their kids... in falling light, we did our best stratego spy impersonations... no, didn't necessarily affect the outcome... but pretty sweet... as I drew a crowd trying to catch the swing... in my mismatched jersey... micah (true captain... classic, work hard get good guy) catches the option... as i'm flailing 3 opponents to the ground, this kid makes the hottest athletic move of his life... dodging right to avoid the tag... LEAPS over me, (I MEAN BARREL JUMPS) as the 3 redmond kids crash (on to me) skates left, and dishes to tim (the olympians kid). tim, chronic underacheiver (his dad didn't make the national team until his 30's) skates left, jams up on to a snow bank... skates the bank over the oppositions outstretched hands... jumps down (this is no bull shit, between micah and tim, it looked like a tony hawk video, w/ me as the barrel) darts right and scores the winnah!

well, it's not about me, but hell, kids grew up on skis...

OK, you made it this far, you deserve some ultimate talk...

1) for real... come to the 5th fastest growing community in america for some frisbee...
2)first hs practice yesterday... went well
total time: 2 hrs. 3:15-5:15. solid warmup with running/stretching/running/plyos, 3 drills (swing/goto/dutchbox), mini, then 6 on 6.

thursday... 4 x 4 min intervals, hard... not SUPER hard, but brisk... didn't have heart rate monitor on. today... weights, frisbee.... tommorrow, skate, sunday, classic, and pm frisbee, if the snow is not as bad as projected....


Saturday, January 14, 2006

mlk rules

sup loyal readers. nothing new to add. the next podcast is coming up... apparently there's an 18 minute gap. as long is it has something to do with the 1994 boulder tourney... i'm safe. i thing there's some missing discussion of (beeps) (beeping) of (beep). (beep). that was good (beep). My favorite part is where (beep) bought the (beep) from (beep) and (beep) in (beep).


In my life, the knee hurts. Might have to do something about it. I think it's ski related, but it just 'hurts'. SEEMS to be getting better, so i'll probably ignore it longer. Basically, (beeping) hurts, and when i run, it hurts, then stops hurting. Kind of hurts all over. Got the trainer to look at it, the ligaments are as solid as you can be w/ a missing pcl and some kind of ligament damage to the mcl. but that's old news. sorry about the whine.

Don't remember last post. Oh, oppened another window, it was monday... so, since then, tuesday, skied, I think it was... skate? No, I think classic. 5 x 4 minute intervals. That I remember. Remember the fun, not which shoes I had on.

Everyday, 20 minute morning bike to work, fearful for life, cars trying to kill me. Wednesday, Weights. Still light, full parallel squat, hang cleans. Bench, lat pull (to warm up) then pull ups, then abs. 10 minutes bike, Squats, 10x 45 (warm-up), 115, 125, 135. Hang Cleans (working towards deeper drop for less movement of bar), 10 x 65, 75, 75, 75. Bench, 3 x 10 x 115, Chinups, 3x 6. Abs.

Thursday, a fun day on skate skis. We did a relay race, teams of 3, so that each of the 6 intervals was 1/2 kilometer... so like a 500, BUT, there was 4-7 inches of new snow, so there was a strength component. I tried to time each interval a couple of times, but was too busy snotting and wheezing at the end to remember to look at my watch. I thought it was about 90 seconds. So more likely, 75.

Today, a race. And for those of you with any experience waxing a debacle. This was one i coach, not participate. Got up at 6, on the road by 7. Realized another coach had errantly told team 8 am departure... so rather than get there early and set up, i drew the duty of waiting w/ last car in parking lot until 8:30... miserable conditions. Rich (head coach, former US national biathalete team member) was struggling w/ wax. That means it's bad. We used klister (this gummy stuff), hard wax on klister, hard wax only, this press on tape... and all varieties of the previous. Nothing works. The solution, which we didn't use, is called a 'swedish tool.' not the one (beep) used to (beep). No, I'm not talking about (beep). Never mind...

We came in second, but that was because 2/3 of the team wasn't there. Now I sound like a frisbee player complaining that my spring team isn't really the team... that's why we're called New Yoke, No Joke, or duke of pooce, or chayne, or soqueI, or something... Now I sound like a soccer dad...

Basically a 14 hour day by the time I got the results formatted for publishing in the paper... tonight, ate some pasta, drinking some wine... sleep till i wake up, then go ski.

frisbee corner: uh... man. The regulars aren't around to respond to... Idris 'king of the beach' is off at some co-ed tournament, jim is playing ice goalty...

OK, here it is. I think this is a retread. But... it seemed like goalty was really growing. Then they instituted the 'no-zone' rule... that's a dumb rule... It's like playing hot box when all the sudden your opponent squeals out... 'no POOOOAAACHHHING the BOOOAAAAHHHHXXX'...

Enough? How bout this. The team that most capitalizes on proper filming will excel over the one that doesn't . High angle filming that allows a full view of the field will provide the best teaching tool for developing field sense in offensive players, and developing a concept of team defense and opportunities for switching that will lead to sophisticated, energy conserving defenses that capitalize on the slightest errors by the offense. You can as a result either force the defense to work commensurately harder, or, in a similar vein, minimize the traditional truism that the game favors the offense, lower the 'caloric' output of the defense per point, and give the defensive offense the opportunity to have fresher legs when the occasion to score presents itself... i.e., make the field crowded for the opponents offense, and open for your own.

Monday, January 09, 2006


hmm. rsd is heating up, which takes the pressure off frequent bloggery.

what's up, though.

1) frisbee. no news on the sinkhole. i'm quite excited about the frisbee season (kids, not mine.... although i love getting lots and lots of throwing in...) and the weather is insane... last year, we played, all winter. occasionally in shorts. there is snow on the ground, still. i don't think my yard has been snow free since... uh, thanksgiving. really. no bs.

2) frisbee strategery. aw heck. how bout... oh... this. what is the hardest thing to teach.

field sense is often bandied about. i think it starts with a scale drawing of the field. VERY few people realize how narrow the field is... how deep the endzones are (too deep, but that's a topic for another post).

throwing (real throwing, mark breaking, the bomb, the decision to bomb or not bomb)

also. speed is overlooked. i'm not fast (although, once, i wasn't slow), but i posit that many frisbee players (Even good ones) could be better. you ever seen that tall skinny palsied looking guy? yeah. that one. you know what i mean. but, you can just 'show up fast' so, that's out.

sideline behavior? somepeople get it. how bout this. the winning team is seldom 'out sidelined'. not rah rah charge the field (although, in college, that often constitutes engaged sideline play). i mean, 12 odd (or 25 if you are jam (idris, that's your cue to deny)) 'coaches' calling the mark, warning about the deep, simple encouraging to mark... internal motivation is key. but a little bit of 'get a mark, good, no break' goes a long way... and you can do it from sitting on a cooler...

huma-craw. you name it, you should be able to open a beer with it. or else you are a piss poor monkey. favorites: an empty 6 pack cardboard container, a pizza box (dare to use less and less pizza box), a thumb (for shotguns)...

that's enough.

uh, ski, ski, ski. new mystery knee ache. other knee. the other one is fine now. so i just ignore it. today, bike commute, work, 5 min bike warmup, 5x10 sets of squats (Very light, but full parrallel, 95/95/105/105/125), 5 x 10 hang - cleans (again, light, just learning the motion, 55/65/75/85/95), chinups, bench, some 'pt' type stuff for the achy knee to stabilize the vmo (vastus medialus oblique, i think).

yesterday, 12 k skate ski. 1/2 fast, 1/2 slow. fast is above (well above) the conversational level... to the 'yeah... buh... huff... huff...' etc... slow was casual.

saturday, 12 k classic ski, massive snowball fight.

friday, rest (well, bike everywhere)

thurs, 6 k ski (had to help with a race for the kids)

wednesday, uh... that's a loooooonnnnngggg time ago. i think i lifted weights?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

new year...

supposed to be a rest day... but lifted a little, light, chinups, bench, squats, hang cleans...

still figuring out the hang cleans, committing to dropping under the bar into the squat is sort of coming incrementally... kind of fun though, variety, variety...

in the news, the summit high athletic fields (14 acres worth) are condemned. a sinkhole appeared after recent flooding (see recent posts) destroying half the track, taking out a light stanchion, half the baseball field... and it just keeps growing... when there is a newspaper article, i'll link to it...

so it will be interesting where the ultimate team gets to play... working on it...

but right now, still ski season: intervals yesterday, skate race tommorrow (not me, the kids; i train, but don't really race -- but 2 this year, and i'll do at least 2 or 3 more, so i'm more into it than road racing. i'm hoping to vomit by years end. maybe the 35 k. or maybe the sprint... hard to say which is more pleasant).

so, few more weeks, and plyo's start... i haven't really thought it out... i doubt it will herald the return of the strength shoes... although they are sitting out in the gargage calling...

like Christine...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

all is quiet...

...on new years day... hold on... let me fire up some U2 on the itunes here... actually ended up w/ 'i will follow'... ah yes...

good day today, made it all the way to 12:05 last night... yes, i'm soft, but it was that or bike, or cab, or whatever into town... seemed... cumbersome... so kicked it at the house, a little madden 06 (1-1) vs. housemate scott...

restive sleep, but for unknown reasons... got up a little before seven, skied in a new years relay... i had the classic leg... i'm embarassed to say, i'd not cleaned, waxed, etc... so my 'kick' (climb) was great, but my glide was ass... so i looked good on the up... (well, i felt good) only to have much lighter skiiers fly by on the descent... oh well... total ski, 8 k or so (5 k warm-up, 3 k race, pretty much maxed out at like a 2 mile race pace intensity, i.e., i went to the place where you taste the metal in your blood in your mouth)...

came home, slightly burned the potatoes, but not enough to throw out... amazing... 15 seconds of sear makes a lot of smell... added some turkey sausage, some cream of mushrooom soup... and then, the first annual summit high school new years day game...

now, this could have been anything... in the time since we scheduled the game, oh, 2 weeks ago, we've gone from 2 feet of snow covering everything, to torrential rain that erased the snow, to a new rainstorm leading to highway closing flooding, closed underpasses, etc...

and i'm not counting the locusts.

i live a couple miles, and 50 or 60 vertical feet (doesn't seem like much... but it mattered) above town... my house has 6 or 7 inches of snow... i wore plastic pants, waterproof jacket, took gloves, etc... and a white garbage bag... turned out to be perfectly good weather... 35 or 40, just cool, and the field was basically dry, w/ little patches of vestigal snow...

oh yes. and some dog shit. what is it with people. this is a park. a play field (aside, lemon (a much underated song ends, and new years day begins... rock on ireland, prior total wierdness))... a soccer field... during the year, people are pretty good. they even have this metal dog shit picker upper bag dispenser, next to a garbage can. what could be easier? But the snow flies, and everyone starts acting like the snow has magical properties that dissolve shit. I apologize to sensitive readers, but only shit captures the connotation of wet, residual dog crap remaining after snow has melted...

but, statistically, the turds only covered .001% of the field or something (somewhere, jim is firing up the spread sheet... assume slightly smaller field, average turd area...)... so any way...

anyway, ended up w/ 14 total, played make it take it mini 4 v 4 w/ 4 sitting until the last 2 showed up... and the tykes nearby finished up w/ the american football... then, the game to 7, i buy winning team cocoa.

i think the teams were fair, i'd like to think my throwing makes an advantage, but the balance seemed reasonable... final score 7-6 as we scored the upwinder on a short throw to the designated goal scorer... the only time we'd run a play, but the game was getting a little one dimensional... i'm sorry. i have tendencies... (pride-in the name of love). Did you know that it is reported (apocryphally, i'm afraid i don't have solid source available. please investigate, and comment)...

anyway, followed through, sprung for the hot chocolate for the winners. say what you want about corporate america... here's to starbucks being open on jan 1.

so i'm officially calling it the 1st annual new years summit alum hat tournament.

year's record: 1-0.